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 The varied styles of Yoga:

- Ashtanga yoga or Power yoga;

  a fast-paced, intense yoga style. It focuses on constant movement from one pose to the next. However, this system does allow each student to work at her own pace.

- Bikram, or Hot yoga;

 is practiced in an environment where the temperature is 95-105 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat promotes intense sweating that will loosen tight muscles and facilitate cleansing of the body.

- Hatha yoga;

 is a general term. These workouts usually include basic introductory yoga poses, and move at a gentle and slow pace.

- Iyengar yoga;

 may be the most popular style practiced in the United States. With this style, poses are held for a longer duration. The purpose of this is for students to recognize the subtleties of each posture and to pay attention to their musculoskeletal system and body alignment. Using props (blocks, belts, blankets, etc.) to accommodate a variety of fitness levels and special needs is common in Iyengar yoga.

- Vinyasa Yoga; 

 includes more aggressive stretches. These workouts focus on sun salutations and the connection of breath to movement.

Benefits of Yoga for Men:

Yoga works for every size

It does not matter how you look when you practice yoga. Whether you're a 250-pound linebacker or a 150-pound triathlete, yoga will push your personal boundaries by increasing your own flexibility, endurance & muscle strength. 

Yoga & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for Soldiers

A recent article in the Miami Herald explored how yoga can help soldiers with PTSD. “There is no magic pill that can erase your past or what you have seen but the practice helps me to cope,” U.S. Marines Sgt. Hugo Patrocinio told a reporter. “Now I am not afraid to go to sleep.”
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs reports that between 11 and 20 percent of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have PTSD. It’s a daunting statistic. But programs that teach yoga and meditation as coping mechanisms are helping to improve life for veterans and their families.
Organizations such as Connected Warriors, Yoga for Vets, Yoga Warriors, the Coming Home Project, Warriors at Ease, Veterans Yoga Project, and Wellness for Warriors offer yoga classes to veterans and their families or training for yoga teachers to work with vets are filling the need. All of the organizations are reporting steady growth as more troops are being sent home.

Yoga Helps Soldiers with PTSD.

                     Drink Matcha Tea 

For maximum nutritional benefit, Matcha Tea ​is unparalleled. Matcha is rich in L-Theanine, a rare amino acid that actually creates a state of  relaxat​ion & well-being by acting upon the brains functio​ning.

Also a natural En​ergy Booster & Calorie


MEN - What to Wear to Yoga class;
Compression shorts underneath soccer style shorts.​
Knee length sweat pants or full length sweat pants.​
Tshrts-Longer length & form fitting just enough so they do not slide down when in Downward Dog pose.​ feel free to email me with any questions

 Rebecca, demonstrating how to open up the hips on the Yoga Hammock.


              About; Street Yoga
Changing Lives, One Breath At a Time.
​      Street Yoga gives youth and their caregivers the tools to overcome early life trauma, through the sharing of life-building mindfulness and wellness practices grounded in the ancient healing principles of yoga. We serve by helping them create a sense of true home in their own bodies, minds and communities​​​

#1 - Downward facing dog, Plank & Upward facing dog or Cobra.

This short dynamic sequence, which targets the circulatory system, is an excellent all-around warm-up. It stretches and strengthens most major muscle groups and promotes circulation, helping white blood cells move through the body to fight invaders. 

Yoga can help stimulate the four main physiological systems that are linked to the immune system: the circulatory system, the digestive system, the nervous system and the endocrine system. Here are the 3 poses.

#2- Bow pose; puts pressure on the belly, which makes the digestive system stronger and healthier by sending blood flow to the abdominal organs. Since the digestive system is full of lymphocytes, or small white blood cells that fight invaders, that also means a stronger & healthier you.

#3 - Bridge pose; creates pressure on the thyroid gland at the base of the throat, stimulating proper function in the endocrine system, which works with the nervous system and the immune system to help the body cope with stresses and, therefore fight invaders better.

                   Melt Tension Away
       Do you ever notice yourself holding the telephone or a steering wheel with a death grip, or scrunching your face when staring at a computer screen?  Unconscious habits like these, can lead to chronic tension, muscle fatigue, & soreness in the wrists, arms, shoulders, neck, and face, which can increase stress & worsen your mood.
As you practice yoga, you begin to notice where you hold tension: It might be in your tongue, your eyes, or the muscles of your face and neck. If you simply tune in, you may be able to release some tension in the tongue and eyes. With bigger muscles like the quadriceps, trapezius, and buttocks, you can learn to relax them, too, with a regular practice


 Many have talked about yoga providing back pain relief, better blood circulation, and even better sleep, so let’s stick mainly to the purely physical aspects associated with the practice.

In practicing yoga regularly for the past 6 months, I’ve experienced notable improvements in the following areas:

core strength
muscle tone
mental clarity
breath control
communication/connection between mind and body
These are just some of the areas in which you may experience measurable improvement after only a few sessions.  Given the above, it’s clear why more and more professional athletes are adding yoga to their physical regimen and why professional trainers to celebrities are incorporating it in the services they offer.  Yoga has also been included in some physical therapy programs for these same reasons.If you’ll notice, I left out the spiritual benefits many practitioners often claim, as well as the mental benefits like increased self-awareness and self-actualization.  These are largely personal and will vary from person to person

How Often Should You Practice Yoga?

You know your body best.  However, as a general rule of thumb, a healthy practice for vinyasa yoga is usually around 3-5 times a week.  This gives you adequate time for rest.  Rest is crucial to recover, get stronger and maintain your health.  [Speaking of rest, it is okay to take an entire week off from time to time.  You might find you come back feeling stronger on many levels.]  Are there people who can practice 6 or 7 days a week without an issue?  Absolutely.  There are also people who practice twice a day.  And this begs the question…

People do get injured practicing yoga. 

  Repetitive strain injury (RSI), can happen when you do repetitive tasks, like chaturanga over and over and over.  The treatment for RSI is typically rest and/or strengthening exercises.  Why do I bring this up?  Because if you expect to “go hard”, “give it 110%”  and do the “no pain, no gain” thing by practicing in a strenuous manner every day then expect to take a few months off every now and then for injury.

How about if you are able to only practice once a week?  Yes you will benefit from such a practice, though the effect may not be the same.  Doing too little can be the same as doing too much.  The key is to find an amount of practice that feels balanced for you. Balance is critical, as is consistency.  To get started, it’s helpful to make a commitment to practice regularly (3-5 times weekly) for a certain amount of weeks (4-6) and then re-evaluate.  This gets you into the habit and lets you get stronger physically.

​How long does it take to see results? 

   You’ll start to see benefits almost immediately.  Some experience a feeling of peace and relaxation after their first class…but this practice takes time.  I have seen people completely change their body in a year. 

Though yoga is known as a physical practice in the West, it was originally intended to connect you to your mind, body & spirit.  This practice of being conscious and awake can help you live a richer and more fulfilling life.
Once you get start to feel the benefits of a regular practice it is easy to forget what it was like before.  A friend of mine recently came back to class after being gone for 6 weeks for work.  She mentioned that she was surprised she had begun to feel depressed again.  She forgot the calm her yoga practice afforded her.

Tune up your immune system;

Since sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and fat all suppress various immune functions. Sugar reduces the ability of neutrophils to engulf and destroy bacteria, and compromises lymphocyte activity. Increased serum levels of cholesterol and triglyceride can compromise antibody production. Caffeine and alcohol raise stress levels; alcohol depletes vitamins C and B6, which the body particularly needs in times of infection. You should also avoid peanuts and chocolate during the cold and flu season since these contain arginine, a component that encourages viral growth.


Pumpkin Seeds;

contains 9.35 grams of protein! That’s over 2 grams More than the same quantity of ground beef. Their high protein content and level of nutrients makes them a wonderful addition to any salad or snack.

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds:
Tryptophan: Helps fight depression (converted into serotonin and niacin).
Glutamate (needed to create GABA): Anti-stress neorochemical, helps relieve anxiety and other related conditions. Zinc: Boosts immune function and fights osteoporosis.
Phytosterols: Reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) and up HDL (the good kind); may also be effective in the prevention of cancer.

Grilled asparagus with a balsamic vinegar drizzle is enough to make my mouth water. Eight spears of this delectable veggie has 3.08 grams of protein, which is pretty potent for such a slender fellow.

Health Benefits of Asparagus:
Vitamin K: Asparagus is the number one plant-based source for Vitamin K, which is indicated in preventing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
Vitamin A and Folate: Anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, heart healthy, and indicated in the prevention of birth defects.
Diuretic: Reduce water retention.
Aphrodisiac: Oh là là!
Asparagus is also a good source of potassium, glutathione, vitamin C, antioxidants (glumatic acid, glycine and cysteine) and more.

Health Benefits of Cauliflower:

Carotenoids (beta-carotene and Phytonutrients): Including kaempferol, ferulic acid, cinnamic acid and caffeic acid. These nutrients help protect your body against free radical damage.
Sulforaphane: Strong indications as a cancer fighting agent.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Reduce inflammation.
Cauliflower is also a good source of vitamin C, manganese, glucosinolates (glucoraphin), vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) and B9 (folic acid), phosphorus and potassium, indole-3-carbinol (strong cancer fighting indications) and more.

Health Benefits of Peanuts:
Co-Enzyme Q10: Protects the heart during times of low oxygen.
Resveratrol: Bioflavonoid believed to improve blood flow in the brain and lower your LDL cholesterol.
Niacin: Assists in recovery of cell damage, and protects against Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive problems.

Peanuts are also a good source of calcium, iron, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, folates, copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin E, antioxidants (polyphenols p-coumaric acid) and more..​

Oats have gotten a bad rap over the years as a breakfast moosh fit for little orphan Oliver or old school prison inmates, but truly they are a food fit for kings. One cooked cup has a whopping 6.08 grams of protein along with being a great source of fiber and helpful for stabilizing your blood sugar levels. I enjoy mine in the morning with a bit of banana ,chia seeds & cinnamon mixed in.

Health Benefits of Oatmeal:
Selenium (antioxidant combined with vitamin E): Boosts immunity and mood, as well as having indications as a cancer-fighting agent.
Weight loss: Keeps blood sugar levels even. The high level of fiber keeps you full longer.
Magnesium: Helps with energy production, maintaining strong bones and possible relief of PMS.
Phosphorus: Assists with bone health, boosts energy and is important for healthy digestion.
Oatmeal is also a good source of tryptophan, Iron, calcium, B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and niacin; vitamin E, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium and more.

​You may have seen this little bean hiding in your stir-fry (sprouted) or perhaps in a fresh wrap, but it hasn’t gotten much cred over the years. Most beans are a great source of protein and water soluble fiber, and while mung beans aren’t at the top of the bean protein list they make a good showing. With one cup containing 3.16 grams, it is low in calories, but high in content.

Health Benefits of Mung Bean Sprouts:
Lecithin: Lowers blood cholesterol levels, reduces liver fat.
Zinc: Along with the protein and other vitamins in mung beans, Zinc can help strengthen your nails.
Phytoestrogens: Contain many anti-aging components for the skin. These phytoestrogens act on estrogen-receptors found in the skin, stimulating the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, which are all essential components of the skin’s structure.
Mung bean sprouts are also a good source of vitamin A, many B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc and more!

This is a wonderful snack to have around at all times, both for its protein content and nutrient density. Almonds are at the top of the nut chain when it comes to nutrient density, which means they will keep you full longer. With one ounce (approximately 24 nuts) containing 6.03 grams of protein they are a wonderful addition to any snack or meal.

Health Benefits of Almonds:
Phenylalanine: Aids in the development of cognitive function.
Nutrient Rich: Keeps you full longer which can aid in weight loss.
Vitamin E/Magnesium: Important for heart and muscle health.
Almonds are also a good source of calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, niacin, managese, riboflavin, folic acid and more.

We all know spinach is a special green. From Popeye to the posh salads you’ll find in fine dining restaurants, spinach has gotten some good press and with due reason. One cup cooked = 5.35 grams of protein. It is also filled with flavonoids (a phytonutrient with anti-cancer properties). Spinach is good for your skin, your eyes, your brain and your bones!

Health Benefits of Spinach:
Neoxanthin and violaxanthin: Anti-inflammatory epoxyxanthophylls.

Lutein and zeaxanthin: Protect the eyes against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
Vitamin K: Ensures a healthy nervous system and brain function, healthy bones (1000% of the RDA of vitamin K in each full cup of spinach!)
Vitamin A: Strengthens immunity and promotes healthy skin.
Spinach is also a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants, flavonoids, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc and selenium and more.

Broccoli has many of the same amazing compounds as cauliflower, which is logical due to the fact that they are both in the cruciferous plant family. As a child I remember enjoying broccoli simply for the fact that the pieces looked like tiny trees. Now, as an adult, I enjoy their impressive nutritional profile AND the fact that they look like tiny trees. One cup of chopped broccoli = 5.7 grams of protein and a heap of child-like enjoyment.

Health Benefits of Broccoli:
Glucoraphanin (which the body processes into sulforaphane): Helps the skin to detoxify and repair itself, along with ridding the body of H. pylori which increases the risk of gastric cancer.
Beta-carotene, zinc and selenium: All work to strengthen the immune system.
Indole-3-carbinol: A powerful antioxidant and anti-carcinogen, which may hinder the growth of breast, cervical and prostate cancer along with boosting liver function.
Broccoli is also a good source of folic acid, vitamin C, calcium (more calcium in fact then most dairy products), lutein and zeaxanthin, B6, folates and more.

All of the plants on my list that have preceded this one fall short in comparison to quinoa’s potential.* On its own it is a perfect protein and the king of all grains. It has the highest percentage of protein content at 16 percent per volume! This means that a measly ¼ cup (dry) quinoa has 6 grams** of protein. If you paired this grain with a couple of spears of asparagus and a beautiful cauliflower, broccoli and sprouted mung bean stir–fry, you would have an easy meal with 30 grams of protein or more!

Health Benefits of Quinoa:
Magnesium: Relaxes muscles and blood vessels, which can help regulate blood pressure.
Manganese and copper: Both work as antioxidants to protect the body from free radicals.
Lignans: A phytonutrient found to reduce the risk of heart disease as well as certain types of cancer.
Quinoa is also a good source of iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamin E, selenium, manganese, tryptophan copper, phosphorus and more.

Mac Danzig is a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) competitor who has competed at the highest level. He is recognised as an outstanding grappler, although he has scored some impressive victories through striking, and is also known as a quality boxer.At we profile the best vegan athletes.

Many of the most successful sportspeople worldwide are now vegan. While they may differ in that they have decided to go vegan to avoid animal cruelty, for their health, to reduce environmental impact, or other reasons, they have one large similarity. They have proved that excellence and veganism often go together

VITAMINS that HELP Neuropathy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, & ADHD 

Vitamin C provides antioxidant benefits that protect nerves from damaging effects of a drug used to treat multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer, according to a study published in the June 2011 issue of the "International Journal of Hematology." In the tissue culture study, vitamin C achieved nearly complete reversal of damage to support nerves called Schwann cells that were exposed to the multiple myeloma drug bortezomib. Researchers concluded that vitamin C may be useful to prevent nerve damage from bortezomib.

N-acetyl-L-cysteine, or NAC, a nutritional supplement used to detoxify the body from acetominophen overdose, protects nerves from damaging effects of high blood sugar levels in diabetes, according to a study published in the January 2010 issue of the "Journal of Neurochemistry." In the laboratory animal study, doses of 1.5 grams per kilogram body weight of NAC for seven weeks decreased hypersensitivity to pain and improved motor coordination. NAC also restored antioxidant levels and reversed structural damage to nerves. Results of this preliminary study indicate that NAC shows promise as an antioxidant for prevention and treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Gamma-Linolenic Acid
The omega-6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA, helps alleviate symptoms of peripheral neuropathy by increasing levels of the anti-inflammatory fatty acid, according to pharmacist Arthur G. Lipman, editor of the book "Pain Management for Primary Care Clinicians." Levels of GLA decline in diabetes due to faulty conversion of linolenic acid, the precursor of GLA. Gamma-linolenic acid deficiency is among the most commonly deficient fatty acids and is a safe, non-toxic option for treating a range of conditions, including diabetic peripheral neuropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, and ADHD, according to a study published in the 2007 issue of the journal "Przeglad Lekarski." Neuropathy symptoms have been shown to respond to doses of GLA between 360 and 480 milligrams per day.
Magnesium may help alleviate diabetic neuropathy by bringing blood sugar levels in balance and by improving blood supply to nerves, according to Dr. Mark Sircus, writing for the National Health Federation. Magnesium is necessary for insulin production and can help lower blood sugar levels by increasing insulin levels. Magnesium also helps relax arteries and helps ensure adequate blood supply to your arms and legs. Magnesium deficiency can lead to peripheral neuropathy even if you don't have diabetes, says Sircus.


Every morning, I start off my day with a cup of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice and every night I end my evening with another cup of the same.

Aids in digestion – Lemon waters helps stimulate digestion and increase the utilization of fats in your body, which can be super helpful in promoting weight loss. The benefit of drinking warm water instead of cold water is that the temperature slightly raises your body heat, allowing for a slight increase in thermogenesis, which is the process your body uses to burn calories from foods.   The warm water also makes it easier to break down old food in your digestive track and flush it straight out of your body.

Cleanses your system – According Dr. Gillian McKeith in her book You Are What You Eat, "A warm cup of water first thing in the morning (and even better with a squeeze of lemon) goes right through the bowels and cleans mucus out from the day before. Drink another cup in the evening too."  Lemons also prevent bacteria buildup in the body and help clean your body of impurities.

Stimulate the liver – The liver produces more enzymes from lemon/lime water than any other food.  These enzymes are what help you digest the food you eat everyday.  Amazing!

Good source of vitamins – Lemons are an amazing source of vitamin C, which we all know helps boost your immune system.  Did you know that it also helps keep your skin glowing and free of blemishes?  Lemon water also contains a high amount of potassium, an important mineral that works with sodium to smooth out the electrical transmission between your brain, heart and nervous system.

So basically, this is the easiest “miracle” drink.

What Happens When You Mix Chocolate With Other Things ?

The most important discovery anyone will make when mixing things with Cocoa and Chocolate is the Alchemy. Alchemy is about the perfect compliment of 2 or more components to the point the Mystery Itself is revealed to you and the 2 or more components no longer exist and there is only Energy left. The final product still appeared, but the feeling and taste is beyond all imagination and description. You are simply left in bliss. This is a pretty exciting event in creating Chocolate products.

Therefore, it is important only the good things are combined with Cocoa and Chocolate.

1. Did you know that when you add dairy products to Cocoa and Chocolate it destroys all its Antioxidant properties?

2. Did you know that when you add Cayenne Pepper to Cocoa or Chocolate, it not only gives it a spicy flavour, but it also draws out all the nutrients in it and the body can uptake those nutrients clearer and faster, and put them to greater use? It’s also very high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A.

3. Did you know that when you mix Cocoa (2/3rds) with Organic Coffee (1/3rd) = A Mocha drink is created that nullifies the neurotoxic effects of Coffee and becomes a good source of Vitamin B12 (which assists Iron in the body)? This is an old Ayurvedic principle. Cardamon can also be added to enhance this principle, if you are so adventurous.

4. Did you know the 2 most significant ingredients you can add to Cocoa and Chocolate when mixing and cooking are:-

A. Vanilla (Bean or Extract). It is good for the Heart. Its energetic principle is important for expanding the Heart energy across the horizontal plane of existance. Or “expanding” the heart of the flavour of Chocolate.

B. Cinnamon (Powder or Stick). Is good for the Vital aspect of the Body. Its energetic principle is to ground the vital energy on the vertical plane of existance. Or “ground” the vital flavour of the Chocolate.

5. Are you allergic to Chocolate ? Did you know that 98% of people who say they are allergic to Chocolate are actually allergic to another ingredient/s in the chocolate, or the combination of that ingredient/s with the Cacao.

The most common symptom to the allergy is headache or migraine.

The best way to find out if you are really allergic or not is to eat the Cacao Beans (de-husked) or the Nibs. Both are unrefined chocolate. This is the purist chocolate without any other ingredient. If headache or migraine still persists, then it’s good to address a nervous system deficiency. Your trained health practitioner can assist you with this.

Why suffer a chocolate-less life if you don’t have to ?

Home remedies relieve symptoms and allergic reactions from MSG poisoning
Here's what you need to know

10 Ways to Alkalize Your Body Today

Acidity has been linked to pain, excess weight and many other health issues. Fortunately, making your body more alkaline (the opposite of acidic) is easy.  Here are 10 ways to alkalize your body for more energy and vitality:

1. Start your day with a large glass of water with the juice of a whole, freshly-squeezed lemon. While lemons may seem acidic, they have the opposite effect on your body as it metabolizes them.

2. Eat a large green salad tossed in lemon juice and olive oil. Greens are among the best sources of alkaline minerals, like calcium.

3. Snack on raw, unsalted almonds. Almonds are packed with natural alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium, which help to balance out acidity while balancing blood sugar.

4. Drink an almond milk and berry smoothie with added green powder like spirulina, chlorella, or other greens. Choose almond milk over cow’s milk, since the latter is acid-forming.

5. Go for a brisk walk or some other exercise. Exercise helps move acidic waste products so your body can better eliminate them.

Keep reading to learn how many glasses of water it takes to neutralize one soda.

​6. Breathe deeply. Ideally, choose a spot that has fresh, oxygen-rich air. And, sorry Febreze, Glade, and all the other so-called “air fresheners”: air filled with these scents is not what I’m talking about here.

7. Go meat-free for a day… or longer if you like. During the metabolism of meat, there is an acid residue left behind.

8. Skip the sugar-laden dessert or soda.  Sugar is one of the most acidic foods we consume. You need over 30 glasses of  water just to neutralize the acidity of ONE can of soda.

9. Add more veggies to your diet. No, potatoes don’t count. But sweet potatoes are a good choice (provided you’re not slathering them in sweeteners or butter).  Asparagus, squash, peppers, and other vegetables are also excellent choices.

10. Sprout it out. Add more sprouts to your daily diet. They are extremely alkalizing and supercharged with nutrients and energy-boosting enzymes.

Got Knee Pain?

Whether you're out to guard against injury and disease or regain strength and flexibility after an injury, yoga can be a superb antidote to knee trouble. "Yoga is fantastic for the knees, especially for people recovering from damaged ligaments," says Michael Salveson, who has worked on dozens of yoga students during his 33-year tenure as a Rolfer in Berkeley, California. "Yoga increases the stabilizing action of the leg's big muscles." When the inner and outer quadriceps are equally strong, he adds, they exert an equal pull on the ligaments, which keeps the kneecap in alignment.

Sandy Blaine is a good example. As a teenager, she enjoyed dance and gymnastics. By her early 20s, she'd dislocated both knees on several occasions. Searching for a low-impact way to stabilize her joints, Blaine tried Iyengar Yoga when she was 26. She was initially surprised by the discipline's difficulty, yet what impressed her more was how remarkably good she felt afterward. Within six months of attending two to three Iyengar classes a week, Blaine found that her knee pain had vanished. Today, at 42, she still sounds as if she can't believe her knees are pain-free, calling the result "an absolute miracle."

"I was looking at a lifetime of being very constrained," says Blaine, who is now an instructor at the Yoga Room in Berkeley and regularly conducts workshops on yoga and knee health. Regaining healthy knees "was an incredible relief," she adds.

To evenly engage the leg muscles, Blaine does(Chair Pose) with her back against a wall. She focuses on lifting her toes and pressing down evenly through all four corners of her feet. Otherwise, the outer quadriceps do all the work and old patterns are reinforced, she explains. Another way Blaine works on equalizing muscle use is by balancing on one foot with her eyes closed. "Without the orientation of the eyes, your feet and ankles have to find a true alignment to come into balance," she says.

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